Sustainable Governance

Legal Compliance

As a Company that started business in Taiwan, we are very passionate about the country and we know how important it is for companies to co-exist with the land to reach sustainable management and development, we therefore take environmentally friendly manufacturing processes seriously. The Company has obtained certifications relating to environmental protection, including ISO 14001 and IECQ QC080000, that prohibit the use of hazardous substances. Products are developed in accordance with EU RoHS, REACH, WEEE, EuP Directives, halogen-free and lead-free requirements, as well as international laws. The Company did not violate any environmental law in 2023 for which it was penalized.

As a corporate citizen in the electronics industry, we support and respect internationally recognized human rights policies, including principles disclosed in international human rights treaties such as: "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,"the"UN Global Compact,""Responsible Business Alliance"and"UN International Labor Organization." The Group has established a human rights policy applicable to the Company, its subsidiaries and each of its operating locations, and complies with the labor and gender equality laws and regulations in its local place of business operations. We have established human rights protection and labor policies and implemented related measures to prevent any violations and infringements of human rights. The Company did not violate any social or economic law in 2022 for which it was penalized. The Company's major violations are defined according to the "Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation's Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Listed Material Information." In 2022, there was no occurrence of violations of laws and regulations that result in penalties for ABC-ATEC. In 2023, there was 1 fine incurred, the amount of fines was NT$102 thousand, which was due to an illegal construction of the Guangzhou Plant of the Group. The fine has been paid and rectification has been made.